Source code for drf_network_pipeline.job_utils.build_task_request

from django.conf import settings
from drf_network_pipeline.pipeline.consts import NOTRUN

[docs]def build_task_request( status=NOTRUN, err="not-set", task_name="", data=None, job_id=None, celery_enabled=settings.CELERY_ENABLED, use_cache=settings.CACHEOPS_ENABLED, cache_record=False, cache_key=None): """build_task_node Builds a common request dictionary for all Celery tasks being wrapped with the utils framework :param status: task return status code :param err: task error message for debugging :param task_name: task label for debugging :param data: task return data :param job_id: task job id :param celery_enabled: control flag for testing celery tasks :param use_cache: use the cached record if available :param cache_record: cache the result in redis after done :param cache_key: cache the result in this redis key """ task_node = { "status": status, "err": err, "task_name": task_name, "data": data, "job_id": job_id, "celery_enabled": celery_enabled, "use_cache": use_cache, "cache_record": cache_record, "cache_key": cache_key } return task_node
# end of build_task_request